
  • Marginalia Weblog - Viktor Lofgren's Weblog, mainly regarding development and web search
  • Garrit Franke He's knowledgeable and funny. No need for more, tech-related
  • Seirdy - Privacy, security, software... all the stuff I used to read on the old internet... back on the old internet
  • Low-tech magazine Interesting uses for some not so high tech. Sort of a personal rebellion against (high)tech-centric world. Run on solar-powered computer somewhere in Spain
  • KevQuirk - Personal blog of Infosec specialist, he's got some great essays and some very neat projects (like simple.css and of which I'm now a proud member)


  • Marginalia Search - Viktor Lofgren's Open Source search engine targeting small and indie webspace
  • Greppr - Interesting small experiment. Surprisingly working for being so small :-)
  • Mojeek - Probably the biggest European search engine, one of the biggest search engines in the world and definitely the biggest independent one.



  • Proton Mail (and other services) - privacy friendly mail service with cloud/password manager and VPN. Base from Switzerland
  • Plausible Analytics - the analytics software used on those pages. To be frank, I don't really need it but pay/support them nevertheless. Hosted in EU
  • Obsidian - The best way to collect notes, thoughts and actually write in markdown. Big fan.
  • Pelican - That THING that generates this site. You write something in markdown and it spits back HTML files. More or less


  • EuroNews - Yeah, I'm one of those... Probably one of the five people reading this? Who knows
  • Contrarian Thinking - Not really news, but interesting content on business from Codie Sannchez
  • Tech.EU - The name sums it up well, news from European startup scene...
  • Works in Progress Great magazine on research and a study of human progress


  • Small web, by Felix I agree with the sentiment, we should cherish the small beautiful web out of grasp of the big corporations.