Worst thing to do is to stay still when the world is spinning around.

I am not a great example of school success; 3 year BSc program took me about 5 years, I dropped out from Master in Finance after 1.5 years with about a year worth of credits... But I still am a great believer in education.

I love projects like Coursera, edX, I adore YouTube for how much educational content there is. I like Udemy and Skillshare. I also love Khan Academy, last year I paid for couple courses at local uni (I say local, Charles University is one of the very few Czech universities on international lists). Udemy and other projects are also great.

What I find important is to never stop learning. Read a book, change a career, ask a senior for advice. Try chatting with an AI to find some new insight (new for you that is), open a Wikipedia (I am a big fan). The world changes so pick up a new skill, even if it is a hobby.

Here is a personal slant: I went from auditing industrial companies to being a controller in financial service sector to managing finances (mainly being an FP&A guy) in non-profit. I learned a lot about banking and insurance, drastically more than I would like to.

I also learned that context matters. Money, the subject of my work, is dealt with differently in bank/insurance company than when running a factory. And again, very different look as a nonprofit dealing with grants.

I also took several exams for which I had to study alone, undertook an FMVA certificate (Financial Modelling and Valuation Analyst) and FPWM (Financial Planning and Wealth Management; this one more from curiosity). FMVA is important for me, because I don't need a complete CFA.

Sure, having CFA would be nice, but it is too costly, mostly deals with financial markets which interest me but are no use for my work, takes a long time to complete and has quite intensive professional experience demands to award the certificate. I did not work in treasury, nor as an invesment analyst/advisor, therefore my PEX is in this context non existent. I am accounting/FP&A guy.

FMVA consisted of number of lessons on building models, how they behave, how to apply them to specific sectors and how to value companies one models. There was quite a bit on financial analysis and using spreadsheets to calculate, show and explain possible futures and scenarios.

FPWM is... let's say a hobby. Theoretically, if someone asks my advice in personal finance, I feel more comfortable giving them one. On the other hand, I am not a professional, I will never be a professional and I will definitely not offer or sell any investment and/or insurance products.

And I am trying to finish my Certified Accountant certificate, waiting for my last exams.

Cheers to the continuous learning and the Internet, which helps to facilitate knowledge into learning and learning into knowledge.